Friday, April 6, 2012

STO and Tera and Wakfu, Oh My!

Continuing my free-to-play MMO binge to kill time until 1.2: I discovered yesterday that Wakfu's already been out for a little while (since late February).  Wakfu's a pseudo-sequel to an MMO called Dofus that's made by a French developer.  There's also a pretty badass French cartoon based on Wakfu/Dofus that I've been slowly watching, so I've been looking forward to the US release of the Wakfu MMO for a while now--didn't realize it was already out.

But being as I'm still enraptured by STO and plan on playing the Tera weekend beta a bit with Callsign, it's gonna be on the back burner for a lil bit still.  I actually managed to convince my wife to give it a try to tell me what she thinks since I won't have much time yet to play it.  She seems to like it so far.

In other news, we raided up to a few attempts at the second boss of the new raid on the PTS last night.  We didn't finish it off, but pinned down the mechanics on the first part of the fight.  The first boss went a lot smoother when we stopped trying to move everyone around and had everybody who's on a particular boss stay in the same area and have only the tanks switch spots when they need to switch (so the tanks switch sides but each boss itself ends up staying in the same area).  On the tank bosses we managed to figure out quickly that everyone needs to stand on the tank, and then hide under the shields when the adds show up (ie don't destroy the shield generator, either single target the adds down or AOE knockback them so they can be AOE'd away from the shield generator).  Aside from that it's a matter of not-standing-in-fire and managing the dot that the lightning tank guy puts on the tank.

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