1.2's finally here, woo! Also, check out this slick promo for those of us who have been around since the beginning.
As expected, had to go through every one of my characters to set up the new UI and do some rebinding. Also transferred excess funds to Abraxane to buy some Legacy unlocks. DO NOT buy Rocket Boost it's a complete waste of 2-4.5 mil; it's a 110% speed boost (ie same as the highest level mounts) that can only be used out of combat and in areas where you can mount. So it's useless in PvP et al and anywhere you can use it you might as well mount up anyways.
MoX went through the first boss in Denova on 16-man Normal then shifted to work on Nightmare Pilgrim in a half-MoX, half-Ghost Codex 16-man raid.
Here are some of the essential quirks to Nightmare Pilgrim:
-Start with all DPS on the The Thing From the Stars (hereafter referred to as TTFtS), the reason why will be apparent as the fight goes on. They need to be killed at the same time.
-It's a pretty simple fight until TTFtS gets to ~50%. As TTFtS approaches 55-50% you'll notice two key things:
--First the Nightmare Pilgrim (hereafter referred to as NP) will do an aoe knockback and then put up a shield (he channels it), attempting to damage NP while this shield is up will instead deal damage back to you ie do not attack him while this shield is up.
--Second and at the same time, several members of the raid will receive a debuff called Bloodmark. Who receives the buff will be identifiable by a shaft of white light that comes down to the affected players. Players with this debuff will have massive damage inflicted upon them if they damage TTFtS.
--Thus as TTFtS approaches 50% all DPS should stop (or to be more precise, have everyone stop as soon as NP puts up his shield) and wait until Bloodmark is up (it should be up by the time NP stops channeling the shield). Everyone who receives Bloodmark should start DPSing NP, everyone else should resume DPS on TTFtS.
-Bloodmark lasts 90 seconds. As its duration is close to finished the above pattern repeats; NP knockbacks and shields, Bloodmarks go out. The rest of the fight is basically juggling this mechanic.
-There's some intense tanking mechanics to the fight as well, but I'm personally pretty oblivious to what the tanks were doing.
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