Well, yesterday's blowout is over and I've had some time to cool off.
Decided to sooth the embers by taking the MoX parser to the training dummy to compare numbers. I wrote down numbers at the time but didn't save them. The gist of the results are that between 4 characters and 5 specs, my Sorcerer had the highest sustained DPS. I interpret these results to mean I must be just terrible at playing Lethality Sniper; my Sniper (who is admittedly in slightly worse gear than my Sorcerer) was ~50 DPS behind.
Tested both Annihilation and Carnage specs on my Marauder and they both approximately matched my Sniper (with notably not-as-high-quality gear on my Marauder). There was something like a 10 DPS difference between the two specs with Annihilation being the higher of the two. This would suggest to me that Carnage is the "safer" of the two specs in terms of damage output, being that shorter fights and fights that require lots of target switching would seem to favor the bursty nature of Carnage as compared to the build-up style of Annihilation.
Threw my Mercenary into the mix just to confirm the degree of the nerfs and to see if it's even vaguely comparable to the others. It was indeed a ways behind.
Honestly, I ripped into the quality of Sorcerer DPS probably more than it deserved in my last post. It's safely tucked away in middle-tier. At least it's not Assassin or Operative or Juggernaut DPS, and it still has some handy utility...
...is what I'd like to say, but honestly even the occasional miracle-Extricate doesn't make up for how boring Hybrid spec is to play now. The spec is still the best by 2-3% (so the minmax monkey in me won't let me change specs) and has literally changed by 1 point (the point from Chain Lightning now goes into the first tier healing tree talent that improves Force crit by 1%). Hybrid now literally boils down to figuring out which is the lowest between the remaining uptime on Affliction and the cooldowns on Death Field and Crushing Darkness and getting ready to recast that spell while jamming your Force Lightning key. There's no finesse in managing Force any more since you're always nearly full on it and there's no judgment required in deciding what to blow your next Wrath proc on since there's only one ability that it's worth consuming for on a cooldown so long that only the worst of RNG will leave you fishing for a proc. They didn't fix the double dipping on Lightning Barrage and it's a good thing they didn't because that double dipping literally makes the DPS of the spec. If they hadn't nerfed Arsenal Mercenary: Revenge of the Tracer Missile into obscurity (holy shit that's an entirely separate rant) I'd almost rather be playing that.
TL;DR I'm no longer a searing-hot cyclone of rage, I'm just plain depressed.
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