Friday, April 20, 2012


So, I really hate to do two really ranty posts in the same month, much less the same week, but I'm pissed enough off that I feel I won't really do myself justice unless I crystallize my thoughts right now.

As I write this, Memories of Xendor is attempting to defeat Kephess to clear Denova Hard Mode.  As I write this, all 6 of my 50s are benched because Sorcerer DPS is fuckin' terrible.

It's a little bit of a slap in the face given my accomplishments.  I've had 6 50s for some time now; two of them are absolutely geared to the teeth, three of them are pretty passable, one of them hasn't been geared at all for PvE.  I'm amongst the first legacy level 50 players in all of the game, and the only one on Helm of Graush.  I haven't missed a single mandatory or optional raid night.  I've consistently performed well.  In light of all of the above I've been in the guild 9 weeks and have already been essentially inducted into what could be considered the officer core of the guild.

But I still can't even get in on progression where it counts 'cause the class I picked got the shaft in 1.2.  The DPS in the ops group right now is literally a Marauder, a Powertech, and two Snipers, with an additional Marauder also on standby.  Two of them have been in the guild less than two weeks, one of those two I'm personally responsible for having recruited.  The last sentence is irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make, but I'd be lying if I said they didn't escalate my rage at the moment.

Raid leader says it's because of the numbers.  Which is kind of okay, I mean I can respect that.  But I've been trying to decide since long before 1.2 and for a little while after which class to focus on.  If I'd had the heads up that if I wanted to have a secure spot for progression I'd need to take the high numbers it would have been no contest--Sniper all the way (like I said, two 50s absolutely geared to the teeth).  Instead, I stuck it out with Sorcerer for the guild because A) we literally have no other DPS Sorcerers and B) regardless of DPS, Sorcerer brings a lot of utility.

Foolish me.

Raid leader says it's not personal.  But that's kind of the problem, as per my third paragraph.  We're not shooting for world first or North America first.  We're not even in competition for server first any more.  This is for Empire-side server first.  Our only competition right now is pretty much just Ebonlore, Catalyst, and Challenge Accepted, and none of them have finished the second boss on Hard Mode.  They couldn't humor my shitty class for just one more boss?  Or fuck, take any of the other 5?  You've just sent the message that everything I do doesn't mean shit if I'm not playing the flavor of the month class.

So I'm only going to play the flavor of the month class.

And trust me, to the casual reader I understand how petty this sounds.  I play this game for progression and it really means a lot to me, so please try to understand that being excluded therefrom, especially in light of the time and effort I've put into this game, is absolutely fucking frustrating.

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